Friday, October 8, 2010

October 11, 2010: Guest Speaker Lois Frye: "Trusting God for His Healing Power"

We are looking forward to being with you Monday evening at 7:00PM to enjoy our time sharing around the topic of God's healing power.  During our gathering, let us know how we can be of help to you!  Before we close, we'll pray for any needs. In between meeting times we can keep in touch if you wish, and support you with prayer, calls and assitance as would be would be a delight.  Come out, enjoy some refreshments and be refreshed! Grace and peace to you this day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We're looking forward to being with you on Monday, September 13, 2010.  Our topic:  Getting acquainted with the benefits of support groups.  Come out for refreshments and some uplifting conversation.  Let us know your story and how we can help you.  For more information please call 484-319-8167

Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to Double Hope!
If you are a cancer patient, caregiver, survivor, family member or friend, we desire to help you find hope in a support group setting.  Why?  Because being together is better than going it alone. Here is some proof from a study on support groups:

An increasing body of research shows that spiritual strength can play a vital role, both mentally and physically in coping with cancer. Prayer, for instance, can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a more positive outlook strengthening a patient's sense of optimism and hope.

Additionally, qualitative studies have examined what cancer support groups provide that other supportive relationships do not, and what the self-perceived consequences are of support group attendance. Results show support groups can offer a unique sense of community, unconditional acceptance, and information about cancer and its treatment in contrast to isolation, rejection, and lack of knowledge about cancer frequently experienced outside the group.

Data from these studies show increased empowerment as one of the most significant consequences of group support, consisting of improved confidence and a sense of control in relation to self, living with cancer, and interactions with others, particularly the medical profession. The support groups were also identified as facilitating positive relationships with family and friends because of relieving their burden of care by providing a safe space for the expression of emotion. (Social Science and Medicine 62 (2006) 2565-2576, J. Ussher, L. Kirsten, P.Butow, M. Sandoval)

Our History:
Double Hope Cancer Support Group of Chester County began in October 2009 to meet the needs of those affected by cancer in the local area. We are based in Downingtown, PA and meet on the 2nd Monday of each month (September – May) currently at Calvary Fellowship Church on West Devon Drive.

Each volunteer facilitator and advisory team member is personally experienced with cancer and has joined Double Hope to find ways of bringing compassionate comfort and a strong sense of community for its participants.  Each gathering includes an opportunity to socialize around refreshments, an informative presentation by a guest speaker or facilitator, and a time to determine how we can help.

Our passion is to connect with patients, caregivers and survivors and to lift their spirits. We seek to lend a helpful hand and provide each other with needed support and engaging fellowship. We care about you and look forward to enjoying your company.

Come join us and find hope for today and hope for tomorrow....Double Hope!

Directions and Contact:
Our monthly meetings are held at Calvary Fellowship Church located at the corner of Route 113 and West Devon Drive in Downingtown, approximately 9/10 of a mile south on Route 113 from the intersection of 113 and 100.For your convenience, please use the back parking lot near the tall columns and enter through that doorway. A greeter will be present to assist you and direct you to our meeting room. Please call for further details. 484-319-8167